More store displays.

More store displays.

I am making a room to show off the MOUNTAIN of store displays I have been
able to get. This is one of the funniest looking ones I was able to get my
hands on.

Store display #2

Lego store display #2

This is the mate to the other weird looking store display. Looks like the
bottom of a cue tip. Neat items, HEFTY shipping bill on them.

Statue of Liberty is home.

Statue of Liberty is home.

I built this item during the Javitz toy fair. I was in NYC, and I am not
one for the nightlife. So I built blocks. This turned out aok, and I will
have a pic on her base soon.

Keebler(tm) Elf

Keebler Elf

Another better pic of the KEEBLER Elf promo item we have new in box.

Basketball 18in. VERY RARE FIG

Basketball 18in. LEGO(r) fig.

This little guy is only one of two in existance. He was created after a
player that was traded, and they could not use the fig since he was now on
another team. EXCELLENT unique item for the museum. Original INFO for this item:

In 2002 LEGO(r) introduced it's line of NBA(tm) basketball players mini-figures. As part of their promotion they made two complete sets of giant 18" tall basketball players. Each figure looked like a specific NBA(tm) player. One set was for LEGO(r) and the other sets was for the NBA(tm) headquarters. Just as the sets were about to be shipped Jerry Stackhouse(tm) was traded from the Washington Wizards(tm). His LEGO(r) man replica was decorated and complete, but it could not be sent as it wasn't accurate. This is one of those two NBA(tm) Giant LEGO(r)

Back of "Ertle" the turtle.

Back of "Ertle" the turtle.

This 4ft+ tall guy is LEGO MALL AMERICA. He is the real deal, and a great
addition to our growing collection. Check out the detail on the shell.
SPECIAL THANKS to our teacher friend for letting us get this special item.
It will make alot of people real happy, and I know you miss him in you
kitchen, but your welcome to come visit him anytime.


The polar bear from LL

Lego Bear

This is one of three bears. This is the only one not destroyed, and is in
great shape. This comes to us out of Denmark. Enjoy.

Wizard from Georgia Store

Wizard from Georgia Store

This little guy was given to a friend of the manager of a LEGO(r) store going
out of business. Now he has found his way into our museum.